weight loss meal plan

3-Day Meal Plan For Weight Loss | To Get You Back On Track

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When I get home from traveling I can hardly wait to get my eating back on track. While I follow these simple steps for eating healthy on vacation, there’s something about being away from home that makes eating healthy such a challenge! Without fail, I use this 3-day meal plan for weight loss, every time I need to reel things in a bit.

This meal plan is awesome because it allows me to eat from all the food groups, which I find important. It’s well-rounded and still allows me to eat foods that I enjoy. It’s designed to ensure I’m eating every 2-4 hours, so that I don’t end up starving by mid-afternoon.

My Own Weight Loss Journey

Throughout my own weight loss journey, I’ve learned a ton about meal planning and what to eat in order to attain certain results. By making small changes and embracing it as a journey (with all the highs and lows that come with it), I was able to lose a whopping 160 pounds. Crazy, right?!

If you ask me my number one tip from my massive weight loss journey, I’ll tell you that it’s all about balance. You can’t sustain something that you absolutely hate. Instead, strive for a strategy that allows you to eat from every food group, and still enjoy a pizza night with your family here and there.

weight loss meal plan


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Nothing Crazy

This meal plan for weight loss is not intended for losing drastic amounts of pounds. I don’t believe in doing things that way. It’s more of a way to kickstart your efforts, and get your eating under control. The weight loss piece is just an added bonus.

Also, this is a three-day plan. It’s not designed for you to follow this plan long-term. Here’s why:

  1. Eating the exact same foods every single day for an extended timeframe will eventually get old and you’ll have a hard time staying on track because you’ll want to eat something you actually enjoy.
  2. It’s all about learning your body, and find ways to freestyle your eating habits by eating intuitively.
  3. You need to learn the principles to follow, in order to create your own amazing meal plans, filled with foods you love!

3-Day Meal Plan For Weight Loss

You’ll notice that lunch is the same for all three days. I do this because it’s easy to meal prep, it’s super healthy, and it yields results. I need my lunches ready to grab so I don’t end up grabbing something I shouldn’t.

weight loss meal plan

Alright, let’s get to the meal plan! That’s why you’re here, right?! Also, if you’d like a free printable meal planner, grab it HERE!

DAY 1:

Upon waking: 16 ounces of water, followed by coffee (if you’d like). I use only this sweetener and no creamers when I’m following my 3 day meal plan for weight loss. You can also choose hot tea instead.

Breakfast: Protein Shake. I use this delicious recipe, and highly recommend it because it’s low calorie, low carb, and low fat. A good quality protein shake makes all the difference, and I prefer this one.

Early Lunch: Clean, Simple Salad. I use this very easy recipe. I prep five of these on Monday morning and use them all through the week. I don’t use any dressing on mine, but if you love a good ranch dressing, try this one.

Afternoon Snack: Boiled Eggs and a Bowl of Fruit. I personally eat two to three eggs and about two cups of fruit, but you have to do what works for you. I do intense workouts, so I have to have enough fuel throughout the day or my blood sugar will dip too low.

Dinner: Grilled Chicken and Roasted Broccoli with Almond Slivers. You can prepare your chicken however you’d like, and I absolutely love this recipe for roasted broccoli.

Evening Snack: Frozen Fruit. I like mango and dark sweet cherries. I buy them in the frozen section at the grocery store, and eat about half a cup of each.

meal plan for weight loss

DAY 2:

Upon waking: 16 ounces of water, followed by coffee or tea (if you’d like).

Breakfast: Weight Loss Friendly Oatmeal and One Boiled Egg. I use this recipe because it is absolutely delicious!! Be sure to follow the recommendation for how to sweeten!

Early Lunch: Clean, Simple Salad. I use this same recipe again.I don’t use any dressing on mine, but if you love a good ranch dressing, try this one.

Afternoon Snack: Baby Carrots, Bell Peppers, Raw Zucchini, and Hummus. I use a variety of these three veggies, filling about two cups worth of veggies and 2 tablespoons of hummus.

Dinner: Salmon and Edamame. Prepare the salmon however you’d like, staying away from extra oils or creams. I use this five-minute cooking method for mouthwatering edamame!

Evening Snack: Decadent Protein Shake. If not hungry, either half the recipe or skip this snack.

weight loss meal plan

DAY 3:

Upon waking: 16 ounces of water, followed by coffee or tea (if you’d like).

Breakfast: 2-3 Boiled Eggs and a Bowl of Fruit I use a 2 cup serving of fruit, including strawberries, cantaloup, and pineapple.

Early Lunch: Clean, Simple Salad. I use this same recipe again.I don’t use any dressing on mine, but if you love a good ranch dressing, try this one.

Afternoon Snack: Frosted Cinnamon Roll Protein Shake. Here’s the most delicious protein shake recipe you’ll ever taste!

Dinner: Grass-fed Ground Turkey, Marinara, and Spaghetti Squash. Tweak the recipe to make it your own, but it’s basically a much healthier version of spaghetti. Use this recipe for spaghetti squash, and prepare the ground turkey and marinara as I would for any spaghetti dinner.

Evening Snack: Raw Veggies and Hot Tea.

Well there you have it! a 3-day meal plan for weight loss. I hope you love it!

Need some extra help with your weight loss efforts? Let me help you! I have 160-pounds worth of weight-loss experience and I’d love to show you how to do it in an easy, doable way! Head HERE!

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