how to eat healthy while on vacation

How To Eat Healthy While On Vacation

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Trying to figure out how to eat healthy while on vacation is no easy task. Being out of the routine is hard in itself, and then you throw in the months (or years) of pent up anticipation and it’s easy to go absolutely crazy while you’re living that vacay life.

If you ask me, it’s all about balance. No one wants to go to vacation and eat broccoli and grilled chicken the entire time. Yet completely over-indulging at every hour of the day will quickly make for a miserable-feeling vacationer any day.

In order to eat healthy while on vacation, you’ve got to think ahead.

Not just about what you’ll eat specifically, but about your actual strategy for choosing foods. Because when you’re in the middle of your much-deserved time away, it gets much easier to say “give me alllllll the yummy foods” and harder to say yes to the healthier options.

How To Eat Healthy While On Vacation

Alright, let’s get right to it. Here are 10 ways to eat healthy while on vacation:

1. Eat Real Food

When you’re traveling, it’s easy to look around and see pre-packaged EVERYTHING. There are travel-sized snacks and meals everywhere you turn. Lots of opportunities to grab-and-go.

When you’re traveling, reach for the least processed, real food items whenever possible. Go to a restaurant and have a cooked meal, grab a big, yummy salad. Choose hummus and crackers, or string cheese sticks, or an apple or banana.

Whenever you can, choose actual, real food to eat.

2. Focus On Soaking In The Moments (In Between Eating Times)

Let’s face it. Vacation is a wonderful time to eat the foods you love, but it’s about so much more than the food. Before you jump on that airplane, make a choice to let the food revolve around the other experiences, and not the other way around. There are always exceptions to the rule, of course. Because you’ll want to be sure you’re enjoying your eating experiences as well!

But choose a balanced approach, so you can fully enjoy your meals, but also your actual experiences. If you’re fixating on what the next meal is going to be, try shifting your focus. Think about the people you’re with, why they matter to you, what you’ll think about this memory in ten years.

Soak in the actual moments.

3. Choose A Protein First

When you go to a restaurant it’s hard not to be overwhelmed by the many options available. As a rule of thumb, choose a protein (preferably a lean protein that doesn’t have tons of added creams, oils, or cheeses), as the primary element, and build the rest of your meal around that.

Protein helps to level out blood sugar, and is an essential part of your daily diet. So if you’re not sure what to order and you’re trying to stay healthy, choose a protein, maybe a small carb option, and a big bunch of non-starchy veggies.

4. Reach For Whole-Food Snacks

Snacks will be everywhere you look. Choose wisely. Nuts, fruit, veggies, coffee, and hot tea are great options. If you look closely, there are healthier options all around you. Typically we don’t realize this though, because we’re in a hurry.

I’ve found that the most popular coffee shops sometimes carry things like hard-boiled eggs and yogurt. Those are wonderful options. Try to steer away from chips, candies, and other processed foods, and just do your best to reach for the more wholesome foods.

5. Prioritize Rest and Fun Experiences

While food is wonderful and should be absolutely enjoyed, it doesn’t have to consume your entire trip. Look around you. Take in the sunset. Hold hands with someone. Have FUN! Get lots of rest. Sleep the day away if you want!

This is your opportunity to really live, outside of the norm of your day-to-day. So prioritize the actual vacation itself, above eating every chance you get!

6. Quality Over Quantity

When making your selections, you should aim to truly enjoy whatever you eat. With that you can be mindful when ordering food. Instead of the hugest burger-and-fries platter you can find, search for the yummiest burger you can find.

Remember that enjoying your food doesn’t necessarily mean eating it in huge quantities. Order a reasonably sized portion, eat slowly, enjoy every bite, and you’ll avoid feeling miserable when you get up from the table after your meal.

7. Drink Water At Meal Times

Save the sugary-loaded drinks for other times of the day, and use meal times as your opportunity to get lots of water. This way you can really enjoy your food at meal times, and really enjoy your specialty drinks when you’re not filling up on food.

8. Wait For The Hunger Cue

Vacation is a great time to make leisurely decisions and embrace some flexibility in your life. Instead of rigidly planning to eat at certain times, or instead of grazing all through the day, wait for your body to tell you it’s actually hungry.

Our bodies will always let us know when it’s time to eat, so wait until that first cue that tells you hunger is on it’s way, then start making your way toward the place that has the food.

9. Eat Your Veggies

I hate to sound like your mom, but you gotta get your veggies in. You’ll feel better and your body will thank you. Eat them as snacks, pile them on at meal times, and sneak them in however you can.

Ordering a salad is a great choice. Just hold off on loading it with cheese, croutons, and other extras. Order your dressing on the side and use just a drizzle for flavoring on your salad.

10. Really Enjoy The Food You Eat

Order what you really love. Eat it slowly. Enjoy it with the people you love. Savor every bite.

You’re on vacation! Don’t stress about every little thing you eat. Enjoy your food, enjoy your moments, and create memories that will last forever.

How To Eat Healthy While On Vacation

Well there you have it! How to eat healthy while on vacation

No need to be super strict while you’re on vacation. Remember, it’s all about finding balance so you can feel great, fuel your body well, and also enjoy the delicious foods along the way!


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