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How I Fit Exercise Into My Life With Littles

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I want to exercise, but I’m currently in that season of life where I’m knee deep in diapers, meltdowns, dishes, laundry, and being a taxi for my littles.

The days are long, and they tell me the years are short. Which of course I can already attest to. Even though mine are still so small, I still look back and think the time has flown by.

But still. Life is busy, chaotic, and exhausting.

Sound familiar?

But alas… I must find a way. I need exercise in my life. I need a gallon of water every day, 5 servings of fruits and veggies, protein.. yada yada.. I try. But exercise is one of those things that every time I do it, I’m always glad I did. I mean seriously. Not once have I ever regretted working out.

The trick is figuring out how to get exercise into my daily routine even though I’m tired, I’m busy, I don’t want to, I don’t have a gym membership, I hate exercise… you get my drift. 😉

So here are some ways I work exercise into my life with littles.

Know Your Season

Pre-hubby-and-babies, it was a synch to squeeze in exercise. Though I didn’t always feel like it, the fact of the matter is that I could just throw on my sneakers and head out for a run.

Once that first baby was born I learned very quickly that heading out the door was a BIG to-do. There are 5,000 things to bring along, and if you forget so much as ONE of them you’re asking for a major catastrophe.

Eventually I had to learn that I’m in a different season of my life than I once was. I sort of had to reintroduce myself to exercise. I couldn’t just get up and go anymore. I had to be more intentional and dare I say it… more flexible.

Think Outside The Box

Then I had to start strategizing. Running used to be this liberating thing where the wind blew through my hair and cooled my glistening skin as I sweated out some major calories.

But now running meant pushing a 15-pound stroller, nixing the ear buds in case the baby started to cry, pausing every several steps to tend to the dropped toy or the need for more cheerios.

It was doable. But for me, it was such a task, that often times I just did not have the energy to make it happen.

So I started wondering what life would be like if I was able to work in my exercise in more unconventional ways. Ya know, like doing things other than the typical run, or joining a gym (which later turned out to be a MAJOR life saver – two hours of child care? YES PLEASE)! 😉

I started trying things like doing an at-home workout that was KILLER but only 30 minutes. I would never have thought an at-home workout would leave me so sore the next day. I was wrong.

Things like doing squats while I was waiting for the pot of water to boil when I was cooking dinner. Or getting on the floor and doing a few push-ups while we watched our favorite Neflix show at night.

Any way I could work it in to my daily life, was a major win for me.

Get The Littles Involved

Another great way to work in some exercise is to do things that involve the kids! Getting them outside more. Taking them to the park and committing to getting up and chasing them around for half of the designated park time.

All these things allow you to move your body more!

Exercise Is Simply Moving Your Body

Finally I learned a whole new perspective. My workouts didn’t have to look anything like they used to. At the end of the day, exercise is simply moving my body more.

Getting in more steps. Standing up more. Walking. Breathing in fresh air. Even practicing some self care!

When I started seeing it in this light, I didn’t dread it anymore. It felt sooooooo good to get my body moving, get my blood circulating, and feel some endorphins flowing. And then something crazy happened. I started wanting to do it more and more.

Then, because I wanted to do it more and more, it turned into a lifestyle. And now I live more actively, I feel better, and I’m even working out more intensely than I ever have.

Get Started

Getting started is the hard part. But once you do that, and learn how to enjoy what you’re doing, you’ll find yourself living a healthier, happier life.

3 thoughts on “How I Fit Exercise Into My Life With Littles”

  1. Pingback: Self Care For The Busy Mama - Jennifer Wagner

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