15 Ways to Work-IN your Workout When You’re Stuck At Home

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Before I had kids I could exercise at any time of the day, for as long as I wanted, wherever I wanted. I could spend time a the gym, go for a 3-hour walk, do a 5k (without considering who would watch the kids or how I’d make it to the end while pushing a stroller)… The possibilities were endless.

But now that my life revolves around my 3- and 6-year old, working out is a much different story.

I’ll admit I sometimes daydream about the days I used to do all kinds of cool workouts, whenever I wanted; Though I know at the time I dreaded exercise. I remember the days I’d procrastinate until 9 p.m., then finally get a gumption, and up and out the door I’d go!

Nowadays by 9 p.m. I’m either a limp noodle on the couch watching Netflix with toothpicks in my eyes, or I’m literally passed out in bed with my clothes from the day still intact.

The fact of the matter is that I have to get creative in the ways I work in exercise.

My secret? It’s just that. I work it in.

I know, it sounds crazy, but instead of carving out huge chunks of time to exercise, sometimes I just have to get creative and find unconventional ways to move my body more. It may not be a 6-mile run through the mountains, or a sweat session at the gym, but I can certainly find ways to get my blood pumping and my endorphins flowing so that I feel overall better.

To the fellow mama reading this blog post, wondering how in the literal world she’s going to find even one ounce of energy to squeeze in some exercise… let me present to you some easy ways to move your body more without losing control of your never-ending mommy-list of things to do.



We’ll get to some totally unconventional options in a sec, but there are a couple of faves I have to cover first. Squats are one of them. These are so perfect for engaging the core and working that booty.

Pick a number to aim for, and then do as many as you can while you’re waiting for that pot of water (for mac and cheese, of course) to boil. Break them into smaller sets/chunks and then work up to that big total number you chose!

Here’s how to master the perfect squat:

  • Start with your feet outside hip width, brace your abs and lift your chest.
  • Bring your elbows forward to create tension in the upper back.
  • Drop your hips back and down.
  • Your knees will move forward to fire the quads and your butt should stop just above knee height.stay at home mom sahm exercise workout

2. Lunges

A great option that will help improve balance and strengthen core muscles! GetHealthyU.com gives a great explanation as to how to excuse a lunge:

“With your chest lifted, chin up and abs contracted take a big step forward with your left foot.  Sink straight down so your front left knee tracks over the top of your shoe and your back right  knee points down toward the floor.  You are on your back left toe.  Push back to the starting position. Repeat on the right leg. Keep alternating. A good place to start is with 10-12 lunges on each leg and work your way up to 3 sets.”

sahm mom mommy exercise workout home

3. Plank 

The plank is a static hold. It’s “an isometric contraction of the muscles of the spine.”

This is great way to work nearly every muscle in your body in a short amount of time. While you’re on the floor playing with the kiddos, see if you can work one of these in. Start with maybe 30 seconds, and see if you can increase your time a little each day!

plank sahm mom mommy workout exercise

4. A Family Walk

One of my absolute favorite things in the whole wide world. Walking has so many benefits, and if nothing else the fresh air can improve your mood, help you de-stress, and help the kiddos get some energy out. Round up all the kids and just get out the door. Don’t overthink it. Just get out, and start walking. Walk as far as you feel like walking, and don’t forget you also have to turn around and come home! Pro tip: try to get home before anyone has a meltdown, and don’t forget snacks! 😉 

sahm mom mommy workout exercise home

5. Extra Steps

Maybe going for an official walk is just too much, or simply not feasible for where you live or what your life is currently like. What if you parked a little further away from the grocery store, or intentionally got up and walked around your house a little more today? Any extra movement counts!

6. Active Play 

I get it. We’re TIRED! Exhausted, even! But maybe try working in some active time that the whole family can enjoy. Head out to the backyard without a specific game or activity in mind. Just go out and explore and see what you end up doing. Anything that gets you up and moving around is a great way to keep your body happy and your sanity intact.

Another great way to do this is to make a conscious decision to get up and run around with your kids when you go to the park or have outside time. Try committing to getting off the bench and chasing your kids around for half of the time you spend at the park. Use the other half to rest and recharge while you watch you’d kiddos have a blast playing.

sahm mom mommy mama workout exercise

7. Yoga

Need some form of exercise that keeps you grounded and strong, but doesn’t drain you of every ounce of energy? Try yoga! Simply head to YouTube and find a quick Yoga video you can work into your day!

8. Stretching

Don’t have time to track down an official Yoga regimen? No worries. Just stretch. You don’t have to do anything specific or rigid. Just sit on the floor, stretch your legs, arms, neck, upper and lower back, and do what actually feels good to you! Stretching can improve posture, assist blood circulation, improve energy levels and even reduce cholesterol! Don’t underestimate the power of stretching. Just try working it in when you’re sitting down folding laundry, playing with the kiddos, or sneaking in your favorite Netflix original.

9. Canned Goods

No seriously! Grab a couple of cans of corn while you’re cooking dinner and do some biceps curls over-the-head tricep presses! You can build up some of those amazing mama-muscles while you’re hanging out in the kitchen!

No, seriously! Try it!

10. Home Weights

Canned goods not your jam? There are tons of exercises you can do by simply grabbing some small weights to use in the comfort of your own home. You can even order them online! This is a great way to workout in short spurts when you’re tight on time.

11. Gym Play Room or Preschool

Maybe you desperately need some mommy-time (who doesn’t?), and you want to sneak in some kid-free exercise time. Try joining a gym with a kid’s room, or sending your kiddos to part-time preschool so you can have just a little time to yourself while your gets have a blast playing with some new friends. This is a great way to save your sanity, too! Be sure to find a place you feel amazing about leaving your littles, so you can truly recharge and be ready to rock that #momlife when you’re done.

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12. Family Exercise Videos

This is such a fun way to exercise with your kiddos! Maybe every day, or maybe just once a week or once in a while, pull up a fun family workout on Youtube! This is a fantastic way to establish healthy habits with your kids while having loads of fun! I love this one!

13. Get The Kids Involved

Maybe you’re stretching, or doing some push-ups, or a plank, while they’re playing. Ask the kids to give it a try! See who can do the most, or hold for the longest! They’ll love the time to connect and you’ll all be healthier and happier for it!

mother mama mom mommy workout exercise home

14. Grab A Stroller And A Mom Friend

Because fitness is more fun with friends. Keep it simple. Text a mom-friend, set a time when the kids are typically happy (maybe mid-morning?) and place, stick them in a stroller, and go for a walk. The kids can snack and take in the outside world around them while you de-stress and chit-chat with another grown-up! It’s a win/win.

exercise workout mom mommy mama mother home

15. Dance Party

Any day is a good day for a dance party with your kiddos. So go for it, mama. “Hey Alexa, play ‘Shake It Off’…” Everyone will have a blast and your kids will love seeing their mommy silly and care-free.

These are just a handful of ways to work in your workout. So tell me… what ways do YOU move your body more as a SAHMama?!

8 thoughts on “15 Ways to Work-IN your Workout When You’re Stuck At Home”

  1. I go to the gym 3 times a week…and I run 2/3 time a week.
    Working out is sooooo important for body and mind. Have a nice day x

    1. YES! It totally is! I love that you found what works for you, and what you enjoy!! That’s so important!

  2. These are all such great suggestions! I have a toddler and getting quality gym time in can be difficult. I’ve been trying to go after his bedtime but that’s not always possible.

    1. You’re right. It’s so hard o squeeze it in, but remember the season of life you’re in! The toddler will get older and it’ll be easier to squeeze in different types of exercise. For now, just focus on moving your body however you can! <3

  3. These are some great tips! It’s so great to just squeeze in small workout moves every chance you can get!

    1. That’s sooooooo TRUE! I try to use ways that wouldn’t necessarily be thought of as exercise, to simply move my body more!!!

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