5 Body Positive Statements

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your good body book positivity

What I didn’t expect was to lose 160 pounds and STILL not be comfortable in my own skin.

I had worked for over a decade to change my eating habits and exercise more. And it was hard work. The journey has been never ending and has felt mostly like a rollercoaster of highs, lows, and quick jolts to the sides. I’ve watched the number on the scale hop around like a wild rabbit, all the while leaving the entire mood of my day dependent on whether that number was up or down.

But finally I noticed something. Even after losing 160 pounds, I was still looking in the mirror and hating what I saw. No matter how many times people said, “you’re looking great, Jen!” …I couldn’t help but feeling like the opposite was true.

I know what you’re thinking. How on earth could she be unhappy in her body after losing that much weight? Shouldn’t she just be happy she wasn’t 336 pounds anymore?

Exactly. That’s when I realized that I could lose all the weight I ever wanted, but if I didn’t learn to love my body, with all its imperfections, I’d never be content. I was going to have to make some changes. And this time, it wasn’t changes to my actual body.

I was going to have make a conscious decision to change the way I was thinking about myself. I didn’t want to loathe the way my body looked. I didn’t want to forever be working for this unattainable “perfect” body.

No, I wanted freedom. Freedom to love myself in a healthy way. Freedom from food rigidity. Freedom from constantly critiquing every little thing about myself. But I knew it would take some work.

So I started waking up every morning and reminding myself that I am not defined by the number that popped up on the scale. I’d even say, out loud, “Jennifer, you are not a number on a scale.”

As I looked into the mirror and my first instinct was to quickly turn away, I resisted. And instead I’d look at that extra fluff around my body and say, “ya know what? I like that about myself. It’s part of my story.”

At first I felt like an imposter. Like I was lying. Because I didn’t like those things about myself.

But I knew I needed to reprogram my mind. I needed to reset my thoughts about my body. And I needed to believe, once and for all, that my worth was defined by (way) more than my body.

Be Willing To Go Through The Process

And ya know what? It worked. It didn’t happen over night; it was a process. But over time, I actually began finding enough freedom to truly love my body TODAY, exactly as it is, every day.

Does that mean I threw my health and fitness goals out the window? NO WAY!! Quite the opposite actually. It only meant that I could work toward that healthy lifestyle I’d been striving for for so long, without hating myself for every little pitfall.

You Are Worth It!!

You may have been told all your life you’re not. You may feel like you’re not. You  may have never had someone look you in the eye and tell you how incredible you actually are.

But YOU ARE WORTH IT. There is so much on the inside of you that the world needs. Never let your insecurities about the outward, hinder you from living your life to the absolute fullest.

Free List Of 5 Body Positive Affirmations

Grab this list of 5 Body Positive Statements [for free], wake up tomorrow morning, look in the mirror, and tell yourself these things. Because let me tell you, there is so much joy and freedom when you learn to love yourself. You’re worth it. Why are you still reading this?! Go grab your this!!!

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