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How To Stop Feeling Out Of Place At The Gym

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How many times have you thought about heading to the gym then immediately your gumption was gone when 5,000 alternatives popped into your brain? Too tired, had a long day, favorite workout outfit is dirty, I don’t know what to do when I’m there, the gym is across town, I have too much to do, etcetera.

Boy do I feel ya.

I don’t know what it is about the gym, but getting there can be the hardest part! Now just to be clear, I’m a big advocate for finding ways to work-IN exercise without going to gym. It’s all about finding unconventional ways to simply moving your body more. But for those of us whose top pick falls into the gym category, there are a-million-and-one reasons not to get there.

Which is really funny if you think about it. Before we ever had a gym membership we’d tell ourselves, If only I had a gym membership, THEN I’d exercise on the regular. But it doesn’t take more than a couple weeks into our new gym excursion to realize that it’s going to take more than a little plastic card that beeps when we scan it as we walk through the door.

To give you a little back-story about myself, I actually have this whole huge weight loss story. I used to be 336 pounds. Yep. 336. Not a typo. Over a decade ago I reached a breaking point that propelled me to start journeying toward my best health and I haven’t looked back. Well, I mean, depending on how you look at it, that is. I still eat pizza and ice cream. And I still hover right around a size 10. I’m just a “normal” average woman with two young children, learning to love her own body and take care of it the best she can. But I’m fine with that because “normal” is exactly what my 336-pound self was starved for years ago.

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But back to the gym.

I’ve done every type of exercise imaginable, and nowadays I’ve discovered a type of workout that I absolutely love. I’ve been doing it for over a year.

A couple of Valentine’s Days ago, my hubby surprised me with a full-year gym membership. I know, it was a big, big deal. When I opened up the little card to find that thoughtful gift, I was astonished, but a tiny piece of me sank inside.

What the heck was I going to do at a gym?? At the time I was perfectly happy working out at home.

But to show my appreciation, I worked it into my schedule. I figured I’d go every now and then, maybe use the child care room while I worked in the lobby (yes, that’s totally a thing! Go try it if you’re a mommy of littles!).

My husband, the go-getter that he is, pulled up the schedule to the group fitness classes at our gym. He picked a class, and said we just had to try it. How could I not go along, after he had just bestowed this amazing gift on me for V-day? And so we did.

We walked right into that group fitness class having no idea what to expect. And guess what. It was absolutely incredible.

The best part is, I became so obsessed with taking classes at the gym that I haven’t stopped since. I have exercised more intensely and more consistently in the past year-and-a-half, than I have in my entire life. I’m in the best shape of my life. I’m stronger. I can run further. I can chase my kids around the park for longer. I’m just more fit than ever.

Nowadays, I’m like an unofficial walking billboard for the gym that I belong to.

Because the gym has been so life-changing to me, I want to help you tear down the walls that make you feel like an odd-ball, so you can give it a try.

Here are 5 ways to feel more comfortable at the gym:

1 . Realize that most people are focusing on themselves

This was the biggest thing I noticed when I took the time to really see what was happening at the gym. Most people aren’t looking around for who they can criticize or make fun of. In fact, though I’m sure it happens every now and then, I’ve never experienced bullying or criticism at my gym. And I live in the very eclectic state of Florida.

Most people are evaluating their own bodies, concentrating on what exercises they need to do, thinking about what they’re going to eat when they leave, or simply reading or watching tv while they’re squeezing in a daily dose of cardio.

They’re not out to get you, and typically people are more concerned about critiquing themselves than they are about critiquing you.

2. Wear clothes that make you feel good

Ok ok. Maybe this one stems from my love of shopping, but I basically live in exercise clothes, so I feel comfortable throwing this one on the list. Wearing the right clothes makes all the difference in the world. In fact yesterday I grabbed a shirt from the bottom of the drawer, one I hadn’t seen in a while. But once I got to the gym I realized I hated how it felt around my tummy pudge. So I came straight home and threw it in the get-rid-of-it pile.

I’m being completely honestly when I say that wearing clothes that make you feel confident makes all the difference in  working out. For ladies, I HIGHLY recommend high-waste compression pants and tank tops, as well as very supportive bras. The right shoes are also a biggie!

3. Go with a friend

Another game changer. Take a friend along, at least for the first few times while you’re working up your confidence.

Whenever you’re trying anything new (inside a gym or not), it’s always a little uncomfortable the first couple of times. Then, before you know it you’re walking in like you own the place. So grab a friend to join the fun while you get the hang of things, then rock it whether a friend is with you or not!

4. Take a group fitness class

As you read from my own personal experience, I’m now a group fitness class junkie.

So what exactly is a group fitness class? It’s literally a class at the gym where lots of people get together in a big open room and there’s an instructor who standing at the front of the room giving you exercise moves to do as the music pumps throughout the entire room. The music is what makes it incredible. It’s like hearing your favorite song and wanting to bust a move. And you totally can because everyone’s doing it at the same time!

My recommendation is to try several different classes so you can find what you like. There are so many various types of classes you can take, like Zumba, Body Pump, Yoga, Pilates, and many others! Find what you like, and don’t give up after just one class.

Also, modify any moves that are too difficult. The key is that you keep moving, don’t stop and wait until the move is over. Just make an adjustment to the move and keep on going!

5. Focus on you

If you take the focus off of everyone else, you have nothing to worry about. Remember, you’re not in competition with anyone else. You’re not there to appease anyone else. No one else knows your story like you do. Don’t compare yourself to anyone, or feel like you need to impress anyone. Just focus on your health. Your fitness. Your why.

So there you have it! That’s how to become comfortable at the gym so you don’t feel like an odd ball. Because the truth of the matter is, you’re YOU. You’re amazing, you’re working on becoming the healthiest version of yourself, it’s a journey, and you’re crushing it just by showing up! Every little bit counts, while you’re working up your willpower to keep changes in place that last a lifetime.

Now head to the local gym, ask for a free trial or just take the leap and sign on up! You never know how it could change your life!

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