loose skin after weight loss

Loose Skin After Weight Loss | Six Months Post Surgery

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Loose Skin After Weight Loss | Six Months Post Surgery

After losing 160 pounds through changing my eating and exercise habits, I had a lot of loose skin that wouldn’t go away through intense exercise, smart nutrition, vitamins, lots of water, or anything else. So finally, I had skin removal surgery. This is my six-month update!

loose skin after weight loss six months

Loose Skin After Weight Loss

My weight loss was slow and steady, and done in a way that was healthy. I made small changes and focused on one day at at time. I lost my first 100 pounds in about a year, and then came marriage, babies, life changes, you name it. That slowed things down a bit, but I was still able to lose another sixty pounds after that.

At my smallest I really had no muscle mass at all. So once I started really revving up my workout routine, I became more solid and strong. But still, there was so much loose skin!

It’s very common and basically inevitable after a huge amount of weight loss.

I tucked the loose skin it into my clothing, wore compression garments, tried to dress in clothes that hid it, but still it was there, bothering me. It made my back hurt all the time, and just kept me super uncomfortable!

Finally, after three separate consultations, I decided to make the plunge and get skin removal surgery. I was seriously the best decision ever.

I opted for a 360 lower body lift, which means I have a scar all the way around my entire lower abdomen and around to my back. I truly do not mind the scar at all, because it’s part of my story. Also I am so much more comfortable now, so it far outweighs the cost of having a scar for the rest of my life.

To read about my massive weight-loss journey, head HERE!

loose skin after weight loss six months

The Skin Removal Surgery

The actual surgery was seamless. Truly, it was awesome and I was in such good hands with my surgeon and his incredible staff. It was a seven-hour surgery and I stayed at the hospital for the following two nights with around-the-clock care from the nursing staff at the hospital.

That was a major plus for my skin removal surgery. Some people go home the same day and I literally cannot even imagine doing that. Not that the pain was terrible, it was just so unknown. I had four drains to figure out, and lots of different medications to take. Not to mention two small children at home. So it was nice having the help from trained professionals.

Plus standing for the first time after surgery was a doozy. So I’m really glad I had a nurse there to walk me through it!

Related: When Is A Good Time To Have Skin Removal Surgery

What It Was Like After Skin Removal Surgery

The fist couple of days were a breeze. I was in the hospital with plenty of pain meds and quiet time. It was nice!

The next couple of weeks after skin removal surgery I had to balance between not moving around too much, but also moving a little every couple of hours. Too much movement would cause swelling, not enough movement could cause blood clots.

Weeks 3-6 were tough because there was a spot on my incision (right in the middle of my lower back) that didn’t heal well. It was one tiny spot which always had pressure on it when I was seated. So getting that figured out was tough, along with the emotional side of not being able to go about my normal life and routine.

Once we got to weeks 6-8, I was slowly on the mend. Things were healing up and I was hopeful. Pain medicines (even OTC) were minimal, and the spot on my incision was healing up, which made me way more comfortable.

If I hadn’t had that one tiny spot that made me so uncomfortable, I’d have been feeling like a million bucks by week four or five. So keep that in mind!

Months 3 and 4 were spent rebuilding strength, flexibility, and energy. I had to be patient with the process. But each small victory felt absolutely amazing.

Months 4-6 there was almost no surgery-related pain or discomfort of any kind (where bending a certain way or laying a certain way may have made me uncomfortable before). Everything felt great, and I was on my way back to better than ever.

loose skin after weight loss six months

Six Months After Skin Removal Surgery

There’s life beyond loose skin after weigh loss.

As I type this today, I’m more than six months past skin removal surgery. I feel so great. I’m so thankful that I had the opportunity to get this surgery. More for the physical feeling than the visual results.

Back pain that I used to experience after every single workout, is gone completely. So far gone that I actually forgot that I used to have back pain! Which is absolutely crazy because back pain was one of the biggest reasons I wanted skin removal surgery.

Getting dressed is so much easier now. No more compression garments (except for every once in a while when I wear a nice dress and everything needs smoothed out a bit). The only issue I have is that my booty is still big and it makes it a little tough to wear things like jeans, because they may fit my tummy area but not my butt and lets. I have to find curvy girl jeans.

Working out is a whole new world. While I still have loose skin on my arms, upper body, and upper thighs, the difference of not having it on my stomach is life-changing. Truly. I’m able to do so much more, with little discomfort during my workouts.

Stretch marks are still visible, as you can see in some of my photos. I’m totally ok with that and actually I rather like having them there because they’re part of my story. Mine are pretty faint in color and that’s because they are so old. I’ve had them for years and years, and they fade over time!

The scar will take up to a year to become its “normal state”. It still has some redness, but that will fade over time. I’m truly not worried about the scar. Anyone who gets skin removal surgery after weight loss has to understand that they will have a scar that will last forever. Honestly, as you can see from my photos in this post, the scar is super easy to cover. That won’t be the case when I get my arms and upper body done! And I’m fine with that.

Loose Skin After Weight Loss

There you have it! My six-month update on loose skin after weight loss! If you want to read more about the journey, check out my other blogs on the topic (below). To see lots of progress photos from along the way, head to my Instagram!

Loose Skin After Weight Loss

Loose Skin After Weight Loss: SURGERY SCHEDULED!

Skin Removal Surgery: Standing Up For The First Time

Skin Removal Surgery: Days Leading Up To & First Few Days

Skin Removal Surgery: What To Take To The Hospital

loose skin after weight loss six months

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