when to have a cheat meal

When To Have A Cheat Meal

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When you’re trying your hardest to stay on track with your health and fitness goals, it’s really hard to know when to have a cheat meal.

Throughout my massive weight-loss journey I’ve had my share of cheat meals, that’s for sure. Sometimes more frequently than other times. Sometimes totally derailing me for weeks at a time. Sometimes so worth very, very worth it.

But the truth of the matter is that a cheat meal can most definitely sabotage your progress. On the other hand, a cheat meal may be just what you need to let loose, hit that reset button, and get right back on track. So learning how to enjoy a cheat meal is absolutely vital.

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What Is A Cheat Meal?

Everyone has a different definition, but I think of a cheat meal as one in which I do not have to take the time to consider all the health factors. I just choose a meal that sounds absolutely delicious to me, and I enjoy every last bite.

Some people call them “treat meals” or refuse to give them a name at all. And that’s fine. But for me, I don’t overthink it. I eat pretty dang healthy the majority of the time and there are just some times when I wanna eat whatever the heck I wanna eat. For those random occasions, I love a good cheat meal.

At the end of this post I’ll tell you when not to have a cheat meal, as well as what to do after you’ve had a cheat meal. Because let’s be serious, we have reel it back in after we’ve had our fun. 😉

But for starters, let’s chat about when to have a cheat meal…

Have A Cheat Meal When It’s Tied To A Memory Made

One of the best times to have a cheat meal is when you’re making a memory. When you’ve planned a special night out with the family, just because. Or you’re heading to that fancy place downtown that you’ve been wanting to try.

Or when you’re at your kid’s big important finale ball game and the adrenalin is pumping and the concession stand is screaming your name and a hotdog would heighten the amazing emotion of this experience to the hundredth degree.

Or when it’s been a long week and you just need a night at the ice cream shop with your kiddos.

Should you use every single day as a time to have a cheat meal? No.

But when there’s something special about it, and that yummy food will complete the sensory experience of that awesome memory you’re making, go for it!

Have A Cheat Meal When It’s With Someone You Love

Sometimes you just want to be alone and eat an entire pizza. That time of the month, am I right ladies?

But most of the time, a cheat meal is better spent when you’re with someone you love. A decadent coffee and pastry at the fancy coffee shop with your favorite mom friend.

A night on the town with the girls.

A long overdue date night with your handsome hubby.

These are the moments that you won’t regret veering away from rigidity a bit so you can enjoy a delicious meal with someone you love and care about.

Don’t spend your beloved cheat meal on a moment when you’re called to do lunch with your boss who you can’t stand. Order a salad for goodness’ sakes.

Choose instead to have your cheat meal when you’re surrounded by someone (or some people) you love!

Have A Cheat Meal When It’s A Special Occassion

One of the biggest pieces of finding balance in the health journey is finding balance. Every occasion isn’t special. And every meal of the day doesn’t need to be a cheat meal. Every meal can be incredible (see how you can learn to eat healthy meals that you actually love), but tying your cheat meal to a special occasion makes it that much more enjoyable.

I’m that mom who eats as healthy as possible most of the time, but I will not skip the cupcake (or barely nibble at it) at my daughter’s birthday party. I wont refuse to ever have a family pizza night because I’m worried about the carbs. I won’t swear off my favorite food for the rest of my life because I’m “watching my weight”.


So in order to still be able to enjoy these amazing experiences while also tying them to foods I love, I reserve them for special occasions.

You can determine what type of occasion is special to you, but having a cheat meal during a special occasion should not lead to massive regret!

Have A Cheat Meal When It’s Been A Long Time

Particularly when you’re on a weight-loss pursuit, sometimes you can get so “in your zone” that you become rigid. And by all means, you don’t need to have a cheat meal just to have a cheat meal.

But if you’re finding yourself craving all sorts of things, or slipping in lots of extra little things that are not part of your plan for eating well, you may just need one good cheat meal.

You may be noticing lots of extra bites of your kids’ snacks, or extra trips to that stash of chocolate in the freezer. Or you might just be slipping in your diligence to stay on track. Sometimes, a good cheat meal can help you hit that reset button and get right back on track.

If it’s been a while, maybe have a cheat meal!

When To NOT Have A Cheat Meal

As much as I advocate for balance, we do have to draw the line somewhere. A cheat meal should be just that. A meal. Not a day, or weekend, or week. Even if you’re on vacation, I personally recommend having several meals that may not fit your normal ultra healthy standards, but filling in the gaps with healthier options so you can feel great even while you’re away.

Only you can truly decide when a cheat meal is right for you. But here are some basic parameters for when you shouldn’t necessarily justify a cheat meal:

  • when you just had a cheat meal recently
  • when you don’t even reaaaallly want one, it’s just convenient
  • just for the heck of it
  • when you’re extra emotional or stressed
  • when you’re in a hurry
  • as a reward

What To Do After A Cheat Meal

One of the best ways to learn to truly enjoy your cheat meals, is to learn how to get right back on track afterwards. This is important for so many reasons.

One, if you become really strong at exercising your willpower, and you know you won’t sabotage yourself by starting a cycle of defeat, then you’ll truly learn to enjoy your cheat meals. When you actually enjoy them (as opposed to being filled with guilt), then it’s much easier to find that balance you’re looking for.

Two, getting right back on track afterwards means you’ll never have to swear off your favorite foods. You can really savor that yummy meal because you know you’re not hindering your progress.

There are so many other reasons, but the absolute most important thing you can do when you want to have a cheat meal is to have one and then make your very next meal a healthy one.

You don’t have to eat like a rabbit to make up for it, or starve yourself for the next 24 hours, or anything like that. All you have to do is view your cheat meal as an isolated event, and then move right back into your healthy eating.

So what do you do after a cheat meal? Drink plenty of water, and eat a healthy meal a few hours later. Then you’re right back on track and ready to keep making progress in your health goals.

Need some help? I’ve got a massive weight-loss story myself and I’d love to help you reach your weight-loss goals without the stress of dieting! Head HERE for more information!

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