edamame recipe

Mouthwatering Edamame Recipe | Ready In Minutes!

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If you’ve never had the experience of tasting an absolutely mouthwatering edamame recipe, you totally have to try this. I learned it sitting in the kitchen of a friend who also happened to be my hair stylist at the time. She said, “oh girl you have to try this…”

…and boy was she right. That was probably about six years ago and I still make this delicious edamame recipe all the time. We’re talking once or twice (or three or four times) every week.

How Can It Possibly Take Only Minutes?!

Well, this may be the part where you say “forget it” and exit the blog. BUT… Dare I ask you to hold onto your britches for just a sec?! Because when you’re in a pinch, this is the perfect side veggie, snack, whatEVER that you can seriously make on a whim.

Ok so the secret is… we’re going to use the microwave. I knowwww, I knowwww….. healthy people don’t use the microwave! Except that’s not true. Life is busy, and chaotic, and exhausting, and sometimes… you just gotta do what you gotta do.

All you need is a bag of steamable edamame (still in the shell), some salt, and some garlic powder. Oh and uh… a’hem… a microwave.

Those three ingredients, along with 5 minutes of your time and Voila! You’ll be scarfing down these delicious little treats before you can say lickity split.


Mouthwatering Edamame

This easy edamame recipe will have you scarfing down the whole bowl! It takes five minutes and only three ingredients to make! Your whole family will love it!
Course Side Dish
Cook Time 5 minutes


  • 1 Bag Streamable Edamame (in the shell)
  • Sprinkle Salt (I use pink sea salt)
  • Sprinkle Garlic Powder (NOT Garlic Salt, unless you omit the salt ingredient listed above)Grab a bag of steamable edamame and throw it in the microwave for 5 minutes.


  • Grab a bag of steamable edamame and throw it in the microwave for 5 minutes.
  • Open the bag and pour the edamame into a large bowl.
  • Season with salt and garlic powder.
  • Shake the bowl a bit and season again with salt and garlic powder. 
    easy edamame recipe
  • Enjoy!

How To Eat It

Though you don’t actually eat the “shell” portion of the edamame, you’l taste the seasoning with each bite. I eat these by holding each edamame, and pulling the edamame out of the shell with my teeth.

You can also change up the seasonings you use. Omit the garlic powder and just enjoy with salt, sprinkle with cayenne pepper and soy sauce, or grab the already-shelled edamame you can find in the freezer section.

Other Quick and Easy Veggie Recipes

To make things easy I’ve compiled all of my tips and tricks for making side veggies, and I’m now offering them to you! Download my veggie recipe book straight to your phone, save it to your notes section, and reference it on a whim! Inside you’ll find ten base recipes, but with variations to each so the possibilities are endless!!

(P.S. pin this recipe for future reference by using the red button above!)

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