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5-Day Challenge To Get You Exercising More

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so… you want to exercise, but every time you try getting started you hit a roadblock…

your good body book positivity

For years I’ve been hosting challenges that get people headed toward their best health. Throughout my journey from being 336 pounds, to becoming healthy inside and out, I’ve learned how to get motivated and make changes that actually last.

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If you started and stopped a thousand times, this is for you.

What is it?

It’s a downloadable book to help you overcome the roadblocks that are hindering you from making exercise a part of your lifestyle.

But first, here’s what you DON’T need…

You don’t need someone walking through your front door blowing a whistle and screaming at you (trust me, that would get old real quick).

You don’t need another random workout routine.

You don’t need to suffer through exercise you hate.

News flash: If you hate running… DON’T RUN!

You don’t need someone forcing you to do anything at all.


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Here’s what you DO need…

Sometimes it’s as simple as figuring out what you actually like.

Sometimes it’s a matter of finding the time slot you never thought about.

Sometimes it’s that you need something completely unconventional, and totally different than you’ve ever tried.

Sometimes it’s about learning ways to work it in where you’re already exhausted from a busy day.

Sometimes you need to discover where to pull from to find motivation that actually lasts.

Sometimes it’s identifying your specific roadblock, so you can overcome it.

It’s all about learning to make exercise work for you.

And that’s what I’m going to teach you.

What if I hate exercise?

I truly believe that there is some form of exercise that you LOVE, one that you haven’t tapped into yet, and one that is patiently waiting for you to find it.

The strategies I give in this book will guide you toward the workout that is lovingly awaiting your arrival. Consider it a roadmap that will guide you into a world of simply moving your body a little more each day.

And when you get started on your journey, you’ll be inspired to see how far you can actually go.

“With four children (one being a busy toddler), running my own business, and trying to keep my head above water, you can guess that finding time for exercise is not usually priority.

Jennifer’s 5 Day Move Your Body Challenge gave me a short term goal that helped me to see that if I can find ways to move my body for 5 days, then I can do it the next week. Then the next week. Then the week after that…

Now here I am, several months later and I’m stronger, healthier, and fitting in regular exercise week after week! I am thankful for the kickstart and the reminder that we can squeeze in time for health when we are intentional!”

-mommy of 4 and business owner

Where do I even begin?

You simply begin by doing what you can do. Today.

At 336 pounds the only exercise I could do was to walk to the end of my street and back. It felt pointless at the time. But one day I finally threw on some sneakers and made that trek. Before long I was walking further distances, then running, then running up to 8 miles, then racing up and down huge flights of stairs, then doing high intensity workouts six days a week.

The fact of the matter is that if I hadn’t done what I could do, I would never be in the shape I’m in today.

Literally one step at a time, I made changes that turned into habits, which turned into a lifestyle , which made me the healthiest version of myself ever.

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Maybe your goal isn’t to become some super muscly body builder, or to be an exercise guru, or to live in a gym.

Maybe you simply know how important it is to incorporate exercise into your life, but you can’t seem to figure out how to get it squeezed in without hating it and wanting to quit every time you start.

Then, my friend, this is for you.

How does it work?

When you purchase this self-guided challenge, you get an email straight to your inbox which you can download immediately to any device.

Then, you can start reading right away!

The book is formatted with gorgeously designed pages that lead up to the challenge, and then more ready and reflection prompts for each of the five days.

Throughout the book we’ll tackle all angles of exercise, ranging from identifying roadblocks, to getting rid of excuses, to working with physical restrictions, to finding new and unconventional ways to exercise, to getting and staying motivated, and so much more.

Each day you’ll find a Take Action! section so you can know exactly how to implement what you’re learning. There are also printable tracking sheets where I show you how to evaluate what you did that day, determine how you felt about it, and decide what you’ll do differently tomorrow.

By the end of the five days you’ll be fully equipped to keep going.

 Invest in yourself. I promise you’re worth it. 

Never underestimate the power of investing in yourself. Throughout my journey of connecting with thousands of people who want to improve their health but can’t seem to crack the code, I’ve learned worked through the major hindrances and developed ways to make fitness doable and even enjoyable.

Grab this easy digital download so that you can:

+ Identify what keeps stopping you

+ Overcome the excuses

+ Figure out what kind of exercise you actually enjoy

+ Learn unconventional ways to work in your workout

+ Get motived, and stay that way

So! Are you ready to finally find change that lasts?


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