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fast easy clean healthy side veggie vegetable recipes
You may be wondering how I could possibly be against dieting, when I myself lost 160 pounds…
Well, the truth is I’ve tried (and failed) at dieting a thousand times. 
It wasn’t until I finally learned how to make small, doable changes that I saw actual progress. Like BIG progress. 
As in, massive weight loss that has been absolutely life-changing. 
enneagram type 9 fitness

Yep. From 336 pounds, to healthy inside and out.

The fact that you landed on this page, tells me that you’re desperately looking for a way to become the healthiest version of YOU, preferably without starving yourself, eating rabbit food, or giving up carbs.
I developed this six-week course to teach you how simple it can be to do that. 
This is a doable way to get healthy, feel better, and yes, even drop some pounds in the process. 
Here’s the thing:
√  What if you could find healthier substitutions to the foods you love? 
√  What if you could learn to listen to your body, so you didn’t have to track calories for the rest of your life? 
√  What if you could make exercise work for you, even in this crazy busy season of life?

And what if the ultimate goal wasn’t to reach an unattainable body size?


What if the whole goal was TRULY to feel better, get stronger, and love your body in the process?! 

Now, I have to warn you:
You do have to do the work. 
But by making small, doable changes that are sustainable over time, you’ll truly begin to shift your habits. 

No one can follow a restrictive “diet” forever. 

No one can sustain exercise they hate. 

And even if they could, well… that just wouldn’t be very fun. 

Throughout the next 6 weeks, you’ll learn:


– 1 –

What To Eat, How Often, & How Much

Because let’s face it. Figuring out what to eat is one of THE HARDEST things about losing weight and getting healthy! But the truth of the matter is that what you eat accounts for a whopping 80% of your results! But instead of starving ourselves or eating like a rabbit, we’ll learn how to fuel our bodies with quality foods. We’ll learn how to make delicious (and healthy) substitutions to the foods we love, and we’ll finally figure out how much food we should actually be eating every day! 

– 2 –

How To Make Exercise Work For You

Don’t worry – you don’t have to spend hours in the gym, or do exercises you absolutely loathe! We’ll focus on simply moving our bodies MORE, so we can feel better, make progress, and finally find consistency in our exercise efforts! We’ll take the rigidity and intimidation out of working out, and we’ll start making exercise work for us instead. 

– 3 –

The Mindset That Will Change EVERYTHING 

When you see a before-and-after snapshot of someone who’s lost a lot of weight, it’s easy to think it was a quick, easy, physical change that took place. But the truth of the matter is that we have to adopt the right mindset in order to find change that lasts. I’ll show you how to find the right relationship with food, exercise, and weight loss in general. This, my friend, is the absolute key to developing a change that lasts a lifetime. 

What To Expect Throughout The Next Six Weeks
Each week you’ll receive an e-mail, straight to your inbox (because who doesn’t love easy?)

Inside you’ll have everything you need for the week ahead. We’ll focus on one topic each week, and you’ll start implementing everything you’re learning, as soon as you learn it!

It’s like a special surprise, just for you, every single week! The materials for each week will include:
A weekly eBook that downloads straight to your phone. I’ll even show you how to save your digital materials into the files section of your phone for quick and easy access! The eBook for each week will teach you everything you need to know to get started on the topic being covered! 
 Specific assignments for that week. This is where the change starts to take place! Having actionable steps all throughout the six-weeks will help you stay on track, and ensure you’re truly learning and implementing!
Videos from me! This will offer a little extra clarity, and give you a chance to hear directly from my mouth, about whatever topic we’re covering that week!
Two complimentary FaceTime calls with me! These are not weekly, but can be used at any time throughout the six weeks. These calls are reserved for roadblocks you’re having trouble navigating, or questions I can answer. They have to be used within the six weeks, and must stick to no more than 15 minutes. Additional calls may be purchased. 
Plus a LOT more!

You’ll receive things like printable meal planners, bonuses, checklists, tracking sheets, and recipe books!



Still nervous about hitting that “buy” button?

I understand! Most of us have tried losing weight many times. It can be super intimidating and overwhelming to even think about giving it another shot. 

But let me remind you that this is NOT a diet. We’re going to focus on small, doable changes. No magic pills or smoothies. No meal prep requirements. Nothing crazy. 

One of the most common pieces of feedback I get from those who follow my method is that it feels easy, and not restrictive! 
But don’t take my word for it! Let’s hear from a few people who have actually followed the plan! Here is some of the most recent feedback I’ve received from people who are following the plan:

Wondering what the plan actually involves doing? 

No worries! I’ll give you a brief overview!

Week 1:
Getting Started + 
Slim Your Body

 Learning how the course works, and diving into the 12 steps toward slimming your body. 

Week 2: Move Your Body

 Finding a new perspective on exercise, and making movement a part of your everyday life.

Week 3: Fuel Your Body

Choosing quality foods, and learning to make healthy substitutions for the foods you love so you don’t feel deprived.

Week 4: Love Your Body 

 Learning balance, embracing the process, and finally finding freedom from the pesky scale.

Week 5: Listen To Your Body

 What your body is trying to tell you it needs. This is how you eventually learn to stop tracking foods, and start freestylin’!

Week 6: Staying The Course

 Identifying what hinders you, and finding change that lasts.

We’ll start by finding out how many calories our specific body is burning everyday, then we’ll track our food for a little while, just to see what we’re putting into our bodies. This is typically VERY eye-opening! 

Tracking food is not a forever goal though, and neither are calories the be-all-end-all of health and success in weight loss. 
We’ll then learn how to choose quality foods, how to construct meals, and how to listen to our body’s cues so we can get away from emotional eating. 

We’ll start viewing exercise as simply moving our bodies more each day, and experimenting a bit, to find the type of exercise we actually enjoy doing. 

All along the way we’ll learn tips and tricks that make things way easier. 

Don’t worry!! You’ll learn as you go! Just commit to the process, and be willing to make small adjustments every step of the way.



Making small changes can be the absolute key in drastically changing your entire life. 

You don’t have to hate yourself into submission. You don’t have to starve yourself. You don’t have to be miserable. And you don’t have to live up to any particular body standard. 
Let me help you discover how I changed my habits into a healthy life. 
You can do it too! 

It may just be easier than you ever thought possible. 
fast easy clean healthy side veggie vegetable recipes

– Meet Jennifer –


A health and fitness blogger and mommy of two, Jennifer shares the message of body positivity and overall health and wellness. Throughout her own journey she has learned that the motive for losing weight does not have to align with hating our bodies in the meantime. She’s been every size from six (for a day or two) to twenty-eight (for a very long time), and is now a healthy and strong size 8/10, paying little attention to the number on the scale. She is absolutely passionate about helping people find their own comfortable weight, while also learning to love what they see in the mirror. All of it. No more letting the scale dictate the mood of the day. She challenges us to make daily changes that will help us feel better and become the healthiest possible version of ourselves.

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